
Table of Contents (Online Help)



Transfer Portfolio to Another Credit Officer

This feature allows a user to transfer loan portfolio from one credit officer to another. This can be done when for example, a credit officer leaves the organization or you have some kind of staff rotation. You can also transfer either the whole loan portfolio or some number of loans.

How to transfer Portfolio to another credit officer

To transfer Portfolio to another credit officer you go to Loans/Transfer Portfolio to Another Credit Officer and a screen like the one below appears::

Note that transfer of portfolio can occur based on any of the following:

1. When a credit officer has been transferred to another branch or location within a branch his portfolio can be allocated to an incoming credit officer.

2. A credit officer may be moved to another department that doesn't deal with Credit within the organisation his portfolio can be redistributed.

3. Some organizations practice a policy of staff rotation as a risk management mechanism to avoid staff complacency.

4. When credit officers leave an organisation, their portfolio will have to be transferred / redistributed.

5. When client / businesses shift from one area that was formerly under a credit officer to another that is under the jurisdiction of another credit officer, for monitoring purposes such client can be moved to the portfolio of the credit officer where the client shifted.


1. When you want to transfer only one or several loans, you just manually change the status of these loans in the "Transfer?" column from "N" to "Y" (in this case do not tick the "Transfer loans to the specified Credit Officer" option).
2. You cannot transfer loans that are fully repaid.


To close the window, click on the "Close" button.

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